Fedora 9 x86_64 Install Notes

I have now installed Fedora 9 x86_64 on my home pc. The RAM issue has been largely solved. I am still missing 64Mb of RAM due to some kind of setting that my motherboard does not support.

So I did a pretty big install. Well at first it was a small one, but then in the end, I went for a more full install from the DVD. The new package manager is not all that great so I thought it would be better to have a fuller install from the DVD.

Everything seems to work just fine except for NVIDIA graphics driver and FLASH in firefox 3. The first issue will just have to wait till it gets fixed. Its related to the NVIDIA drivers that are available not being properly supported by XOrg 7. The flash-in-firefox-3 issue can be easily fixed by installing the i386 version of firefox instead.

I also had some trouble getting my head around the NetworkManager. Once I had it going it was ok.

I turned off SELINUX. Too hard to have a home system and worry about such fine grained security.

I have decided to us the freshrpms source for extras because their repo just seems cleaner.

If installing gnash does not do the trick then the below will do it. Get the adobe plugin from the adobe website. Use the YUM version of the download to make sure that updates are automatically handled by the updater software in Fedora.

How to fix firefox by installing the i386 version: ( http://hacktux.com/fedora/9/flash )

First, create /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-i386.repo with the following

[fedora-i386]name=Fedora $releasever - i386failovermethod=priority#baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/releases/$releasever/Everything/i386/os/mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=i386enabled=1gpgcheck=1includepkgs=firefoxgpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
$releasever - i386 -

This will provide you with access to the Fedora 9 i386 Yum repositories for Firefox
only (note includepkgs=firefox). Now, remove your 64-bit Firefox RPM.

sudo rpm -e firefox.x86_64

Finally, install the 32-bit Firefox RPM with the new Yum repository.

sudo yum install firefox.i386

So that takes care of the firefox issue.

Linux WACOM fix:

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
"Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # USB ONLY
Option "Type"
Option "USB" "on" # USB ONLY

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"

Identifier "cursor"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" #
Option "Type" "cursor"
Option "USB"
"on" # USB ONLY

InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

There are also some items that need to be installed to get all the audio stuff working properly.

yum install xine gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer-plugins-ugly vorbisgain aacgain mplayer

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