An excellent PHP script to handle time difference

I am working on a project that involves displaying the time difference between a start and end time on a website.

The following script is lifted directly from:

* A function for making time periods readable
* @author Aidan Lister
* @version 2.0.0
* @link
* @param int number of seconds elapsed
* @param string which time periods to display
* @param bool whether to show zero time periods
function time_duration($seconds, $use = null, $zeros = false)
// Define time periods
$periods = array (
'years' => 31556926,
'Months' => 2629743,
'weeks' => 604800,
'days' => 86400,
'hours' => 3600,
'minutes' => 60,
'seconds' => 1

// Break into periods
$seconds = (float) $seconds;
foreach ($periods as $period => $value) {
if ($use && strpos($use, $period[0]) === false) {
$count = floor($seconds / $value);
if ($count == 0 && !$zeros) {
$segments[strtolower($period)] = $count;
$seconds = $seconds % $value;

// Build the string
foreach ($segments as $key => $value) {
$segment_name = substr($key, 0, -1);
$segment = $value . ' ' . $segment_name;
if ($value != 1) {
$segment .= 's';
$array[] = $segment;

$str = implode(', ', $array);
return $str;


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